Ternopil School 3 Specialized

in Learning Foreign Languages

The School motto: Ad angusta per augusta | Through difficulties to the stars

The School credo: «Education is a treasure, work hard to get it»

School news News archive Webcam

It was an island of friendly communication, creativity and teamwork. Participants had a great chance to recognize deeply their inner world through dancing, singing and even doing yoga.


On September 9, as a part of the educational project of the international program "EXIT tour", our school hosted interesting lectures for students of 8th and 9th grades.


«The Biggest Lesson in the World» with the assistance of UNICEF took place in our school on May 16, 2019.


A form and their English teachers brought the spirit of Christmas school. They greeted the teachers and the students and wished then happiness, joy ness, health and prosperity. In new coming year.


A language camp Fun camp began its work on August, 13


On Wednesday, March 14th, FLEX Alumni and Ukraine Global Scholars (UGS) finalists Marta Baziuk and Andriy Roman conducted two presentations for 8-11th grades about the opportunities of studying in the US for free. With the help of UGS program, Marta and Andriy received full scholarships to US prestigious boarding schools and plan to further pursue their plans of receiving the high-quality education in world's best universities.


November 30,2017 Thanksgiving party was performed in the Assembly Hall by the 6-A formers. The kids told the audience and showed how the First Thanksgiving was celebrated.The guests enjoyed a pumpkin pie, a traditional dish on the Thanksgiving Day, after the performance

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